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电大21春理工英语4单元自测1(预备知识:Unit 1;10分)

时间:2021-06-19 12:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. — ? What's your major please?— ?_______ A. I'm majoring in Interior Design B. Who knows C. I'm not sure 2. ?— ?Could you please connect me with the HR Department??— ?_______ A. Help yourself. B. OK. Thank you. C. Hold on a minute, pl
1. — ?What's your major please? — ?_______
A. I'm majoring in Interior Design
B. Who knows
C. I'm not sure

2. ?— ?Could you please connect me with the HR Department? ?— ?_______
A. Help yourself.
B. OK. Thank you.
C. Hold on a minute, please. I'll put you through.

3. There are?______ students in Class One than in Class Two.?
A. many
B. more
C. most

4. Going “green” ____ have to be a challenge.
A. is
B. don't
C. doesn't

5. What matters is how your house looks and how it_____?you and others residing in?it.?
A. affects
B. infects
C. effects

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