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  • 邓小平理论的主题是( ) 日期:2022-08-04 22:05:44 点击:101 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 党的十五大把( )确立为党的指导思想 日期:2022-08-04 22:05:31 点击:60 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 党的七大把( )确立为党的指导思想 日期:2022-08-04 22:05:19 点击:148 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 江泽民指出邓小平理论是当代中国的( ) 日期:2022-08-04 22:05:06 点击:105 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 邓小平认为( )与( )是辩证统一的关系 日期:2022-08-04 22:04:40 点击:139 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 邓小平在论述教育与经济关系时的基本观点是( ) 日期:2022-08-04 22:04:14 点击:67 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 学习邓小平教育思想,在唯物辩证法指导下,主要方法有( ) 日期:2022-08-04 22:04:00 点击:64 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 邓小平指出,毛泽东同志告诉我们( )是敌后的三大任务 日期:2022-08-04 22:03:48 点击:118 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 邓小平教育思想不同于传统教育理论主要体现在( ) 日期:2022-08-04 22:03:34 点击:75 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

  • 1985年,邓小平强调要教育全国人民做到( ) 日期:2022-08-04 22:03:21 点击:76 好评:0


    Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappe...

