(单选题)10: 乘客信息系统简称() A: ATS B: FAS C: PIS D: MMI ...
(多选题)14: 以下正确的C语言标识符是_____。 A: ABC B: abc C: a_bc D: ab.c ...
(判断题)15: 设array为一个数组,则表达式sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])的结果为array数组中元素个数。 A: 对 B: 错 ...
(判断题)12: AutoCAD软件中的标准线型库提供了60多种线型。 A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(判断题)18: AutoCAD中绘制样条曲线的调用方式有5种。 A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(单选题)15: Most people (A) work to earn a living (B) and they produce goods and services(C). Services are such things like (D) education, medicine, and commerce. (选择有误的一项) A: Most people B: a living C: goods and services D: such...
(单选题)14: A bomb destroyed two buildings and _____ several others. A: damaged B: harmed C: hurt D: injured ...
(单选题)20: To _____sure of getting a seat you should arrive early at the cinema. A: be B: feel C: make D: believe ...
(单选题)17: As a_____actor, he can perform,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments. A: flexible B: versatile C: sophisticated D: productive ...
西门庆、潘金莲、李瓶儿、庞春梅是下列哪部作品中的人物(nbsp;nbsp; )。 A. 《醒世姻缘传》 B. 《歧路灯》 C. 《金瓶梅》 D. 《儿女英雄传》 正确答案:C满分:2分...