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时间:2021-12-23 17:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: to approve(选出与题干意义最接近的解释) A: to abide by B: to comply with C: to have a positive opinion D: to come up with 正确答案: C (单选题)2: to appoint(选出与题干意义最接近的解释) A: to take back property B: to meet someon
(单选题)1: to approve(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)
A: to abide by
B: to comply with
C: to have a positive opinion
D: to come up with

(单选题)2: to appoint(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)
A: to take back property
B: to meet someone’s needs
C: to choose someone officially for a job
D: to claim for something

(单选题)3: Fortune-tellers are good at making _____ statements such as “Your sorrows will change.”
A: philosophical
B: ambiguous
C: literal
D: invalid

(单选题)4: Among all the changes resulting from the ___________ entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.
A: massive
B: quantitative
C: surplus
D: formidable

(单选题)5: Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ______ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.
A: restrictively
B: radically
C: inclusively
D: exclusively

(单选题)6: If Japan ________________ its relation with that country it will have to find another supplier of raw materials.
A: precludes
B: terminates
C: partitions
D: expires

(单选题)7: She remains confident and ____________ untroubled by our present problems.
A: indefinitely
B: infinitely
C: optimistically
D: seemingly

(单选题)8: Improved consumer confidence is _____________ to an economic recovery.
A: crucial
B: subordinate
C: cumulative
D: satisfactory

(单选题)9: Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ___________ themselves.
A: expanding
B: stretching
C: prolonging
D: extending

(单选题)10: Mr. Smith became very __________ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.
A: ingenious
B: empirical
C: objective
D: indignant

(单选题)11: The toy maker produces a ______ copy of the spaced station, exact in every detail.
A: minimal
B: minimum
C: miniature
D: minor

(单选题)12: The manager ______________ his success to hard work.
A: imparted
B: granted
C: ascribed
D: acknowledged

(单选题)13: After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____________.
A: deteriorated
B: dispersed
C: dissipated
D: drained

(单选题)14: My sister is quite ____________ and plans to get an M. degree within one year.
A: aggressive
B: enthusiastic
C: considerate
D: ambitious

(单选题)15: There is no doubt that the ______ of these goods to the others is easy to see.
A: prestige
B: superiority
C: priority
D: publicity

(判断题)16: eloquent的意思是:fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)17: Psycho-linguistics is the name given to the study of the psychological processes involved in language. (语法上正确与否)
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)18: subscriber的意思是:a company or person that prepares and issues books, journals, or music for sale
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)19: astray的意思是:remain in the same place
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)20: I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing in unpleasant facts.(语法上正确与否)
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)21: During the early years of this century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada. (语法上正确与否)
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)22: From the 1940s through the early 1960s, Americans married at a higher rate and at a younger age than their Europe counterparts.(语法上正确与否)
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)23: It is only in exceptional circumstances we might become aware of the complexity involved.(语法上正确与否)
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)24: fare的意思是:treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)25: approach的意思是:start to deal with in a certain way
A: 对
B: 错

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