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国开23秋季安徽开放大学 - 高级英语(2) - LISTENING AND VOCAB

时间:2023-10-25 21:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1.Warm-up How would you describe a genius Look at the photos and think about the questions. (1)What do you know about these people (2)What was extraordinary about them (3)Which of them was a genius, do you think Why (4)Who would you
How would you describe a genius Look at the photos and think about the questions.
(1)What do you know about these people
(2)What was extraordinary about them
(3)Which of them was a genius, do you think Why
(4)Who would you consider to be a ‘twenty-first-century genius’ Why

2.Complete the table by dragging the words and phrases about “brain” into each category. Use a dictionary to help you.
brainy 1
2.brainwave 2
3. brainwash 3
4.brainbox 4
5.be the brains behind 5
6.brainless 6
7.pick someone’s brains 7
8.brain dead 8
9.use your brain 9
10.brainstorm 10

3.Complete the sentences by dragging the expressions in the box.

(1) Let’s get together and 1 ideas for our next project.
(2) My brother’s the 2 one, but I’m better-looking!
(3) If you keep watching TV all the time, you’ll end up being 3 .
(4) Bob Geldof 4 Live Aid and Live8.
(5) I’ve just had a 5 ! Let’s go to Prague for the weekend!
(6) Advertisements 6 us into buying things we don’t need.
(7) Dad, I can’t do my homework. Can I 7
(8) You just went through a red light, Dan! That was a 8 thing to do.
(9) Martin’s the 9 of the class. He always gets top marks.
(10) You had to 10 to do this exercise!

4.Below there are four types of genius. Listen to Part 1 of a radio programme and match the types with their explanations.
A. someone who tries to change the beliefs and actions of other people
B. someone who is brilliant in a particular field
C. someone who looks really deeply inside themselves, and tries to understand people
D. someone who tries to create something new

(1) the master 1

(2) the maker 2
(3) the introspector 3
(4) the influencer 4

5.Listen to Part 1 again and choose the correct answer.【听力原文】

6.(1) Dr Gardner thinks ( )
A.academic work is the most important.
B.everybody has different strengths.
C.exams make people brain dead.
D.we are all intelligent in one way.

7.(2) Mozart was a ‘master’ because he ( )
A.was a genius.
B.created a new kind of music.
C.wasn’t like Freud.
D.was brilliant at what he did.

8.(3) Freud was a ‘maker’ because he ( )
A.was a musician.
B.created many new things.
C.developed a completely new field.
D.was a psychoanalyst.

9.(4) Virginia Woolf ( )
A.wrote about introspective people.
B.was very self-conscious.
C.was like Mrs Dalloway.
D.worked on understanding people.

10.(5) Gandhi ( )
A.tried to influence Nelson Mandela.
B.wasn’t interested in other people.
C.changed the way people thought.
D.didn’t affect people in India.

11.Before you listen to Part 2 of the programme , decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F), and tick the right answer. Then listen and check.【听力原文】

(1) A genius is made by ambition, luck and the time they live in. 1

(2) When Einstein was born, physicists were confident about their subject. 2
(3) Einstein was able to think in terms of both space and music. 3
(4) In general, people usually want to learn from their problems. 4
(5) Extraordinary people spend a lot of time reflecting. 5
(6) It doesn’t take them long to work out the answers to problems. 6

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