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时间:2021-06-16 16:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. You are very enthusiastic and we appreciate that, but ________ A. if you don't complete tasks, you won't get promoted B. sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top. You are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours C. ma
1. You are very enthusiastic and we appreciate that, but ________
A. if you don't complete tasks, you won't get promoted
B. sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top. You are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours
C. many times you don't follow through
D. nothing is really getting done

2. You have a lot of good ideas and you start quite a few different projects, but?________
A. many times you don't follow through
B. nothing is really getting done
C. sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top. You are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours
D. the legwork is really not my style

3. All these ideas are just floating around but?________
A. sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top. You are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours
B. the legwork is really not my style
C. nothing is really getting done
D. many times you don't follow through

4. I come up with concepts and start them, but?________
A. many times you don't follow through
B. sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top. You are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours
C. nothing is really getting done
D. if you don't complete tasks, you won't get promoted

5. You have a lot of talent, but?________
A. many times you don't follow through
B. nothing is really getting done
C. the legwork is really not my style
D. sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top. You are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours

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