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时间:2021-06-21 11:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. What is the topic discussed in the text? A. Ways to keep your home safe. B. How to keep your valuables or cash safe. C. Be suspicious of strangers. 2. Which statement is true according to the text? A. It is not necessary to lock the door
1. What is the topic discussed in the text?
A. Ways to keep your home safe.
B. How to keep your valuables or cash safe.
C. Be suspicious of strangers.

2. Which statement is true according to the text?
A. It is not necessary to lock the door and windows when you are inside the house.
B. It is easy for you to recognize who is going to break in your home.
C. Hide the valuables or cash out of sight because they may attract burglars.

3. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?
A. Well-lit homes may help the burglars to break into the house.
B. It is very easy for the burglars to find the door key under planters, doormat.
C. Installing an alarm system may drive the burglars away before they steal anything from your home.

4. By saying “Be suspicious of strangers” in Para. 3, the writer means .
A. keeping the strangers away from us
B. never trusting strangers
C. catching the suspected strangers

5. “Deterring the burglars” in the last paragraph means .
A. encouraging the burglars to run away
B. making the burglars not want to do something bad
C. helping the burglars break into the house

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