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时间:2021-06-19 12:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. According to the text, the future vehicles can let the drivers see the area behind the car. 对 错 2. According to the text, the future vehicles can tell you about what other drivers are doing. 对 错 3. The government is pushing for techn
1. According to the text, the future vehicles can let the drivers see the area behind the car.

2. According to the text, the future vehicles can tell you about what other drivers are doing.

3. The government is pushing for technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction.

4. The government is pushing for technology that would not increase the cost of the car.

5. The cars would send text messages to each other within about 300 -yard.

6. The cars would share information of speed, direction and GPS position with each other.

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