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时间:2021-06-19 12:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. The longest rail link is _____. a. from Zhejiang of China to Spain. b. He is an architect. c. from Moscow to Beijing. 2. The first train took _____ to complete the longest rail journey. a. 24 days. b. 6 weeks. c. 21 days. 3. What did the
1. The longest rail link is _____.
a. from Zhejiang of China to Spain.
b. He is an architect.
c. from Moscow to Beijing.

2. The first train took _____ to complete the longest rail journey.
a. 24 days.
b. 6 weeks.
c. 21 days.

3. What did the first train carry when it returned to Yiwu?
a. Toys, stationery, craft items.
b. Products made in China.
c. Wine, olive oil and other Spanish products.

4. How much does the train reduce the production of CO2, compared with the truck?
a. 38 %
b. 44%
c. 62%

5. According to the last paragraph, we can infer that _____.
a. business people and manufacturers hope the rail route will be longer.
b. the rail link plays an important role in businesses in China and Spain.
c. the Chinese territory is getting smaller and smaller.

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