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完形填空,请将①-⑤空的正确选项填写到答题区:  There are f

时间:2021-02-19 20:23来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
18: 完形填空,请将①-⑤空的正确选项填写到答题区:  There are five incomplete sentences in the following passage. Read the passage and choose the word that best fits into the passage, Do remember each word can be used only once.      
18: 完形填空,请将①-⑤空的正确选项填写到答题区:  There are five incomplete sentences in the following passage. Read the passage and choose the word that best fits into the passage, Do remember each word can be used only once.       A. Finally    B. sneak   C. on   D. practicing   E. so   It was soon clear I couldn't stay in China forever. To become a world-class musician, I had to play ___##___ the world's big stages. So in 1997, my father and I moved again, this time to Philadelphia, ___##___ I could attend the Curtis Institute of Music. ___##___ our money worries were easing. The school paid for an apartment and even lent me a Steinway (斯坦威钢琴). At night, I would __##___ into the living room just to touch the keys. Now that I was in America, I wanted to become famous, but my new teachers reminded me that I had a lot to learn. I spent two years ___##___, and by 1999 I had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. The Chicago Symphony orchestra heard me play and liked me, but orchestra schedules were set far in advance. I thought I might join them in a few years.
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