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时间:2021-12-23 18:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: 第四次作业问题6 A: Yes, please. B: Of course. C: Ok. D: Certainly 正确答案: C (单选题)2: 第四次作业问题10 A: The same to you B: See you. C: Take care D: So long. 正确答案: A (单选题)3: 第四次作业问题8 A: Yes ,please B: Certainly
(单选题)1: 第四次作业问题6
A: Yes, please.
B: Of course.
C: Ok.
D: Certainly

(单选题)2: 第四次作业问题10
A: The same to you
B: See you.
C: Take care
D: So long.

(单选题)3: 第四次作业问题8
A: Yes ,please
B: Certainly
C: No thanks
D: Yes, I’d love one.

(单选题)4: 第四次作业问题7
A: Surely not
B: Not at all
C: That’s all right.
D: No, of course not

(单选题)5: 第四次作业问题1
A: How do you do?
B: Nice to see you.
C: Hello
D: Fine, thank you.

(单选题)6: 第四次作业问题4
A: Don’t mention it.
B: It was nothing.
C: Never mind
D: You’re welcome.

(单选题)7: 第四次作业问题5
A: Not at all.
B: It doesn’t matter.
C: It’s a pleasure.
D: You are welcome

(单选题)8: 第四次作业问题9
A: That’s ok
B: Never mind
C: Don’t mention it
D: Forget it.

(单选题)9: 第四次作业问题2
A: Fine.
B: I’m very well.
C: And how are you?
D: Just fine.

(单选题)10: 第四次作业问题3(作业音频请到课程公告里下载)
A: So-so
B: Not too bad.
C: Can’t complain.
D: Very well.

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