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At a party or social occasions, how would you indicate that

时间:2023-04-03 19:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
16. At a party or social occasions, how would you indicate that it was time for you to leave someone's house? A. I would say, "It's getting late and I'd better be going." B. I would say, "I'm sorry. I have to leave now." C. I would wait
16. At a party or social occasions, how would you indicate that it was time for you to leave someone's house?
A. I would say, "It's getting late and I'd better be going."
B. I would say, "I'm sorry. I have to leave now."
C. I would wait until the host said something.
D. I would make up an excuse (e.g. I have to get up early tomorrow, etc.) and thank the hosts.
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