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时间:2022-04-13 14:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: Its ________ in the regulations that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you. A: laid upon B: laid out C: laid up D: laid down 正确答案: D (单选题)2: The heavy lock on the door gave her ( ). A: a sense of inferiority B: a sense
(单选题)1: It’s ________ in the regulations that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you.
A:   laid upon
B:   laid out
C:   laid up
D:   laid down

(单选题)2: The heavy lock on the door gave her ( ).
A: a sense of inferiority
B: a sense of superiority
C: a sense of security
D: a sense of pride

(单选题)3: The wind____the clouds and the sun was again visible .
A: dispersed
B: distributed
C: displaced
D: displayed

(单选题)4: The chances of seeing a helicopter in my hometown are one ( ) a million.
A: for
B: to
C: in
D: against

(单选题)5: Through long power lines electricity goes ( ).
A: to the place needed
B: there it is needed
C: where it is needed
D: which it is needed

(单选题)6: He always gives ( ) to his wife’s demands and does whatever she tells him to.
A: up
B: away
C: in
D: out

(单选题)7: The little boy wore a very thin coat.A sudden gust of cold wind made him ( ).
A: Ashake
B: sweat
C: shiver
D: swing

(单选题)8: Look at all the corruption that’s going on. It’s time the city was ( ).
A: cleaned out
B: cleaned down
C: cleaned away
D: cleaned up

(单选题)9: The chancellor ( ) the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.
A: discharged
B: disregarded
C: disguised
D: disposed

(单选题)10: Shirley ( ) a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.
A: has written
B: wrote
C: had written
D: was writing

(单选题)11: He’ll always be ( ) to you for what you’ve done.
A: peaceful
B: secure
C: grateful
D: companion

(单选题)12: John ( ) to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.
A: pretends
B: assures
C: affords
D: melts

(单选题)13: When you fill in the application form, please use your ( ) address so that we can contact you easily later.
A: policy
B: plain
C: permanent
D: principal

(单选题)14: We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way ( ).
A: going
B: to go
C: gone
D: to be gone

(单选题)15: The food was divided ( ) according to the age and size of the children.
A: equally
B: proportionately
C: sufficiently
D: adequately

(单选题)16: In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ( ) government, not by each state.
A: federal
B: figure
C: scientific
D: service

(单选题)17: He was____about the spring outing , but he came back quite depressed and said he should not have joined in it.
A: enthusiastic
B: fantastic
C: courageous
D: discouraged

(单选题)18: She is fond of ( ), so do not approach her and tell her what trouble you. She will make it known to all.
A: comment
B: gossip
C: speech
D: appraisal

(单选题)19: The large company is( ) small ones by buying up their shares.
A: taking off
B: taking over
C: taking in
D: taking from

(单选题)20: A____change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.
A: severe
B: violent
C: drastic
D: strict

(单选题)21: ____from the apple tree.
A: It down fell
B: there it is needed
C: Down fell it
D: Fell it down

(单选题)22: He is ________ to speak the truth.
A:   too much of a coward
B:   too much a coward
C:   so much a coward
D:   so much of a coward

(单选题)23: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what number I should dial to get the ( ).
A: throat
B: verse
C: conductor
D: operator

(单选题)24: Considering his contribution to our company , Mr. White ( ) better treament than this.
A: observes
B: preserves
C: pretends
D: deserves

(单选题)25: It was courageous enough for Galileo to ( ) the falling object theory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.
A: advance
B: defy
C: justify
D: translate

(单选题)26: The ( )is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.
A: bean
B: beam
C: bake
D: battery

(单选题)27: I remember that I ( ) the Party before my graduation from the university.
A: attended
B: partcicipated
C: joined
D: joined in

(单选题)28: Those two families have been quarrelling ________ each other for many years.
A: to
B: between
C: against
D: with

(单选题)29: The old man was kind and ( ) enough to help the children cross the street.
A: gracious
B: graceful
C: timid
D: lively

(单选题)30: The end____the means . This saying implies even a wrong or unfair method may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good.
A: modifies
B: justifies
C: purifies
D: testifies

(单选题)31: I am acting as____while the manager is away on business.
A: agency
B: policy
C: deputy
D: colleague

(单选题)32: The tragic ending of the novel can bring____.
A: your eyes to tears
B: tears to your eyes
C: your eye to tear
D: tear to your eye

(单选题)33: Why do you want a new job____you've got such a good one already?
A: that
B: where
C: which
D: when

(单选题)34: I remember____the article the day before yesterday.
A: to read
B: to have read
C: reading
D: to reading

(单选题)35: They left the door open ( ) to hear the baby.
A: so as for me
B: so that me
C: in order for me
D: and for me

(单选题)36: Tom is interested in and clever at many different things,so he is ( ).
A: vertical
B: versatile
C: variable
D: vigorous

(单选题)37: He soon made a ( ) for himself on the stage .
A: popularity
B: fame
C: reputation
D: respect

(单选题)38: My mother came here only for a____stay. She should fly to Los Angeles the next day.
A: shortened
B: prolonged
C: premature
D: transient

(单选题)39: Without the _______ materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.
A: storey
B: valuable
C: spare
D: raw

(单选题)40: With the____of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.
A: exhibition
B: exception
C: except
D: reception

(单选题)41: ____the chance and the money , I would come and see you in New York in the foreseeable future.
A: With regard to
B: Considering
C: Given
D: Assuming

(单选题)42: What they produced has no any _______ value. But it is very useful to their research.
A: filter
B: fold
C: partial
D: commercial

(单选题)43: During the eight years war, many people ____ their blood for their country.
A: shed
B: tempted
C: reserved
D: devoted

(单选题)44: I am acting as ( ) while the manager is away on business.
A: agency
B: policy
C: deputy
D: colleague

(单选题)45: The atmosphere ( ) certain gases mixed together in definite proportion.
A: considering of
B: consists of
C: composes of
D: composed of

(单选题)46: He works in our university as a visiting ( ), not as a formal faculty member.
A: traditional
B: scholar
C: nurse
D: pilot

(单选题)47: When you choose a piece of clothes , the most important thing that you should pay attention is its ( )
A: style
B: texture
C: testable
D: content

(单选题)48: Give me your telephone number ( ) I need your help.
A: whether
B: unless
C: so that
D: in case

(单选题)49: Single-parent usually____ some of the functions that absent adult in the house would have served under the financial crisis. 
A: takes over
B: takes after
C: takes out
D: takes in

(单选题)50: It isn't quite ____whether she will take the advice.
A: sure
B: right
C: certain
D: exact

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